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giovedì 31 gennaio 2013

Peefeeyatko ( F.Z )

martedì 29 gennaio 2013

Che Guevara

1 2

Il sol dell'avvenire.

Il filo della storia - Erano le brigate rosse

martedì 22 gennaio 2013

Patty Smith

lunedì 21 gennaio 2013

Estate di Frank Zappa . 1982

domenica 20 gennaio 2013

Il feretro di Prospero Gallinari a Coviolo (Reggio Emilia) 19 gennaio 2013

Funerali di massa per Prospero Gallinari ----- ----- «Eravamo in guerra come quei poveri ragazzi mandati in Vietnam. Il contesto nazionale e internazionale era questo. Tutto è partito dal movimento operaio. Alle nostre manifestazioni per una migliore condizione sociale, contro la disoccupazione, lo Stato ha risposto con le azioni di polizia, con le cariche. Le forze reazionarie hanno risposto con la strage di Piazza Fontana. A quel punto, non potevamo fare altro, a nostra volta, che rispondere con le armi. Una vera e propria dichiarazione di guerra» ---------------------- Un giornalista francese intervistato su Radio3Mondo spiega così l'accoglienza francese dei rifugiati brigatisti o dei cosiddetti simpatizzanti: L'Italia era percepita come una sorta di Cile europeo, dove alle stragi fasciste si contrapponevano dei movimenti di sinistra, anche terroristi, che li contrastavano, contro uno stato che non aveva elaborato correttamente il passato fascista.

Fleetwood Mac - Live in Paris France 1968

mercoledì 16 gennaio 2013

Prospero Gallinari.

E' morto Prospero Gallinari. . . Là, dov’era più umido fecero un fosso enorme e nella roccia scavarono nicchie e le sbarrarono alzarono poi garitte e torrioni e ci misero dei soldati, a guardia ci fecero indossare la casacca e ci chiamarono delinquenti infine vollero sbarre il cielo … non ci riuscirono del tutto altissimi guardiamo i gabbiani che volano. (Sante Notarnicola, Favignana 1 giugno 1973)

martedì 15 gennaio 2013

Surrealist Group

martedì 8 gennaio 2013

Miriam Orlandi

martedì 1 gennaio 2013

Willy DeVille

The death of the very eclectic rock 'n roll character Willy DeVille brought back memories of the old days of CBGBs, where he was a regular (his band Mink DeVille had three songs on that CBGBs live album on Atlantic) and his New York Times obit (he got his New York Times obit without delay) brought up all kinds of interesting revalations, not the least of which ws that the Latin greaser with the pompadour and pencil mustache was a kid from Stamford, Connecticut, born William Borsey, that he'd gotten an Academy Award nomination (The Princess Bride) and, in a jolting penultimate line, that he left behind a widow and two dead wives: "Mr. DeVille’s first two wives died." That got us surfing and then we remembered Toots, the archetypal crazy punk rock chick who was somewhat essential to the Mink Deville mystique: According to Wikipedia: "Willy DeVille was married in the late 1970s to Toots, with whom he had a son, Sean. Alex Halberstadt, Doc Pomus's biographer, wrote about Toots, 'Half French and half Pima Indian, Toots favored a pair of nose rings, snow-white kabuki make-up and a Ronettes-style beehive the color of tar. She'd once put out a lit Marlboro in a woman's eye just for staring at Willy.'" The photos reveal that Amy Winehouse owes more than a little to Susan "Toots" DeVille. So what ever happened to Toots? Heroin, which was not mentioned in the New York Times obit but was a large part of Willy DeVille's life for many years, is said to be the cause. Jane Herwig's Digiom blog has a great, informative instant story on Toots influence and style. Click here to check out What ever happened to Toots DeVille? (Heroin killed her).
Wikipedia says Willy's second wife was his business manager, Lisa (left). They were married in 1984, and lived in New Orleans and on a horse farm in Mississippi. Lisa apparently died in 2001. According to Wikipedia, she hanged herself. Willy DeVille found the body.
After Lisa's death, "he married Nina, his third wife, and returned to New York City, where he spent the rest of his life." Willy DeVille was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in February. Nina announced in February that dodctors found cancer in his pancreas. Nina left the following message on his website yesterday: "It is with heavy hearts that we let you know that Willy passed away peacefully last night, August 6, 2009. His music and spirit will always be with us." August 25th would have been Willy DeVille's 59th birthday.

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